Saturday, April 7, 2018

Polarization of Modern Media seeps into the Metal Community.

Does Metal Suck?

So without giving any promotion to another metal blog, if you follow other metal news sites and social media you'll figure it out. While I've been to known to criticize assholes from bands that have a proven track record of being just that, I've never endorsed a movement to cancel shows, reduce  stream revenue or promote censorship. There is a blog that continues to polarize the metal community. That's what really sucks.

Sadly this polarization has turned fans against bands and each other. I've seen more than a share of cancellations based on the work of the blog in question. Is this a reflection of the world we live in these days? Media being used as a tool to destroy careers, to turn fans away from the celebs, bands.etc. and put a black eye on the entire entertainment industry. Is this a tool to bring out the hidden truths of industries who've allowed such wrongs to occur for years without any recourse?

I'm proud of what we've done on this blog. We stick to the music for the most part. I've been known to put a spotlight on some of the "dumb shit" musicians do over the years. But I believe our little space in the universe should be a place you can come to find out about new music, musicians, tours and what other fans think of the genre.

So I ask if you're a reader of that "sucks" blog, are you really happy with the content? Are you tired of being polarized by a blog that witch hunts more than cd dives? Come check us out.

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