Saturday, July 20, 2024

Coming in October...



Greek Clutch?

While it's impossible to confuse Planet of Zeus with Clutch, I am not the only one to note some parallels between them.  Both bands have had an uncanny ability to evolve while still satisfying their fans' expectations.  Both bands play energetic riff-heavy rock and excel live.

Since Grownman invited me to post for this site in 2014, I have reviewed the last three Planet of Zeus albums and professed my love for each one of them.  I pre-ordered this one before even listening to the pre-released track.  Listening to it only reinforces my 'evolving while satisfying fans' expectations' comment.  These guys are elite songwriters and musicians, and I can't wait to hear the rest of this album.

Here's the official video for "Baptized In His Death".  I will plead "no idea" on what's going on in this video, but the song kept me watching until the end

Planet of Zeus are from Athens, and have been tearing it up since 2008.

They are:
Babis Papanikolaou-Vox & Guitars
Stelios Provis-Guitars
Giannis Vrazos- Bass
Serapheim Giannakopoulos-Drums

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Stoner Rock Bonanza

 Have a Heapin' Helpin' of Some Rock 'n' Roll With Me....

Stoner, That Is; Sit a Spell; Take Your Shoes Off...

These Just In:


Three Decades Of Fu Manchu

And you'd never even know it; this is as aggressive and energetic as anything they've ever put out, and probably their greatest masterpiece.  Well-written, catchy and extremely heavy, this album is a must-own, soon-to-be stoner rock classic.  I am just going to feature the first two tracks, and will just say there are eleven other tracks just as great as these.
Bob Balch deserves a Stoner Rock Artist of the Year award, but more on that later.

The legendary Fu Manchu are:

Scott Hill: Guitar, Vocals
Bob Balch: Guitar
Brad Davis: Bass, Vocals
Scott Reeder: Drums, Vocals


Swedish Veterans Return To Destroy

Here's another band who has yet to burn out.  Twenty four years after their initial release, Tommi Holappa's Greenleaf are back with yet another elite and essential album (sound familiar?)
This album just came out yesterday, but here are two of my early favorites:

Greenleaf are all elite musicians, and are:

Arvid Hällagård – vocals
Tommi Holappa – guitar
Hans Fröhlich – bass
Sebastian Olsson – drums


Third Time's The Charm

You can't name your band Rifflord without having a bad-ass sound, and while both of Rifflord's first two albums do a great job of justifying that title, this new release is definitely my favorite.  Rifflord tunes are usually under 5 minutes long but pack tons of ideas and lots of aggression into those spaces.  Quite often in the first albums I'd find myself wishing they lingered on a particular riff a bit longer.  39 Serpent Power has me saying "that was perfect" after each tune.  This is another album that was released yesterday, but I've been playing it a lot and here are two early favorites:

Rifflord are from South Dakota.  They are:

Wyatt Bronc: Bass, Vocals
Douglas Jennings Barrett: Drums
Tory Jean Stoddard: Keyboards
Samuel Hayes: Guitar
Dustin Vano: Guitar


Relative Newcomers Are Elite Rockers

Wizzerd have been making awesome stoner rock for less than a decade, but especially with this release deserve to be ranked among the best stoner bands out here.  Kronia has it all; truly interesting and elite songwriting, excellent musicianship, unique sounds, and really cool vocals.  This makes a third album released yesterday that I can't get enough of, and again I'm going to share with you two early favorites:
Kronia really has the feel of an EP, clocking in at just under 24 minutes total,  but it seems another release entitled "Saturnalia" is slated for October.  I can't wait.
Wizzerd are from Montana.  They are:

Jhalen Salazar:  Guitar, Vocals
Jamie Yeats:  Guitar
Sam Moore:  Drums
Layne Matkovich:  Bass

Y'all Come Back Now, Y'Hear?

Friday, May 31, 2024

This Just In....

 Released Today:


High Desert Queen has been around for a few years, but I first became aware of them when I heard their split with Blue Heron on Ripple Music's "Turned To Stone" series.  I featured tunes from both bands on my "Stoner Rock: May 2023 - August 2023" playlist, and loved the three High Desert Queen tunes enough that I instantly pre-ordered this new album when it went on sale a couple of months ago.  The video for the title track, as well as the album itself, were released today.  A very entertaining video and a truly epic song.  Hear for yourself:

I love the whole sound; this will definitely end up as one of my favorite albums of the year, and I will be immersing myself in this album all week and beyond.  Here is the pre-released track, along with the accompanying video:

That manager may have missed the boat with the protein shakes and the gym memberships, but he sure hit the nail on the head with the promotional sunglasses.

High Desert Queen are from Austin, Texas.
They are:

Ryan Garney: Vocals
Rusty Miller: Guitar
Phil Hook: Drums
Morgan Miller: Bass

You can find this gem of an album here, and might be interested in checking out he band's website here

Until next time!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Heavy Sonic Wall (Times Two)



(artwork by Masiej Kamuda)

Massive Wall Of Sound

I fell in love with this band from the time I discovered “Time Travel Dilemma” back in 2017.  Since then Spaceslug has had instant purchase status with me every time they release a new album.  Each album takes me by surprise in some way, as their songwriting evolves.  “Leftovers” really took me by surprise with its largely acoustic guitar sound, but eventually became my favorite album.  Now that I was expecting more of that, Spaceslug surprises me again.  Not quite a return to any previous sound, but reminiscent of albums like “Memorial” and “Eye Of The Tide” at times.  “Out Of Water” overpowers you with a wall of guitar, bass, drums, unique vocal harmonies and lots of subtle complexities to the songwriting.


The opening track, “Tears Of Antimatter”, is as good a track as any to start with, and is best listened to loud:

There is a long list of Polish stoner rock bands that have legendary status in my book, with Spaceslug and Weedpecker being my two favorites.

 Spaceslug are:

Bartosz Janik: Guitar, Vocals

Jan Rutka: Bass, Vocals

Kamil Ziolkowski: Drums, Vocals



(artwork by Malleus Rock Art Lab)


Ufomammut are another band that engages you with a full-scale sonic assault.  Lots of bottom and lots of depth.  Much like Spaceslug, Ufomammut really can't be adequately compared to any other band due to the uniqueness of what they do.  "Hidden" sees their songwriting evolve to another level, with lots of nuances to be enjoyed with repeated listens.
Again, I am going with the lead track, and again I recommend excessive volume to really appreciate this band.  Relax and let the tune take you where it will.  This is "Crookhead":

Ufomammut are from Italy, and have been producing skull-crushing heavy psychedelic rock for about a quarter of a century now.  Not getting complacent in the least, they have produced my favorite album in their lengthy discography.  They are:
Poia – Guitars and Fxs
Urlo – Bass, Vocals, Fxs and Synths
Levre – Drums & Fxs
Ciccio – Soundlord

From the band's website:
UFOMAMMUT= UFO: U(nidentified) F(lying) O(bject) – MAMMUT: italian for mammoth
“UFOMAMMUT” should be pronounced in the italian way, sounding like “oofomammoot”…

Friday, May 17, 2024

Third Massachusetts Band To Kill It This Year

Sundrifter, Leather Lung, and now Black Pyramid make three Massachusetts bands to put out albums that rank among the year's best.  

This tune sets the backdrop for the remainder of the album 
Did you, like me, get your hopes up when you heard there's new Black Pyramid album, but worry that after all this time the music might not be as good?  

If so, I can tell you that as soon as you play the opening track, you'll be starting to realize that you just bought the best Black Pyramid album there is.
Black Pyramid are:

Andy Beresky – guitar, vocals, keyboards, effects
Eric Beaudry – bass, effects, vocals
Andy Kivela – drums, percussion, keyboards, effects, vocals

Saturday, May 11, 2024


This came out last year, but I'm just stumbling upon it.


Bog Monkey are from Atlanta.  They are different and VERY heavy.  I'd like to add that the drum player is a boss.  (Don't you think this tune has a bit of a beach blanket bingo vibe, but in a doomy style?)
"Facemint" is my early favorite, and did I mention that the drum player is bad-ass?

As far as I can tell, Bog Monkey are:

Zach(right): Guitar & Vocals
Joji(left): Bass
Doug(center): Drums

By the way, the album art is dope; it would make for a really cool black-light poster.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

2024 Top Third Highlights


A shamelessly long playlist full of cool music that's come out in the top third of 2024. The last three tunes would make a great playlist by themselves I think.

These bands are from:

United States