Friday, May 24, 2024

Heavy Sonic Wall (Times Two)



(artwork by Masiej Kamuda)

Massive Wall Of Sound

I fell in love with this band from the time I discovered “Time Travel Dilemma” back in 2017.  Since then Spaceslug has had instant purchase status with me every time they release a new album.  Each album takes me by surprise in some way, as their songwriting evolves.  “Leftovers” really took me by surprise with its largely acoustic guitar sound, but eventually became my favorite album.  Now that I was expecting more of that, Spaceslug surprises me again.  Not quite a return to any previous sound, but reminiscent of albums like “Memorial” and “Eye Of The Tide” at times.  “Out Of Water” overpowers you with a wall of guitar, bass, drums, unique vocal harmonies and lots of subtle complexities to the songwriting.


The opening track, “Tears Of Antimatter”, is as good a track as any to start with, and is best listened to loud:

There is a long list of Polish stoner rock bands that have legendary status in my book, with Spaceslug and Weedpecker being my two favorites.

 Spaceslug are:

Bartosz Janik: Guitar, Vocals

Jan Rutka: Bass, Vocals

Kamil Ziolkowski: Drums, Vocals



(artwork by Malleus Rock Art Lab)


Ufomammut are another band that engages you with a full-scale sonic assault.  Lots of bottom and lots of depth.  Much like Spaceslug, Ufomammut really can't be adequately compared to any other band due to the uniqueness of what they do.  "Hidden" sees their songwriting evolve to another level, with lots of nuances to be enjoyed with repeated listens.
Again, I am going with the lead track, and again I recommend excessive volume to really appreciate this band.  Relax and let the tune take you where it will.  This is "Crookhead":

Ufomammut are from Italy, and have been producing skull-crushing heavy psychedelic rock for about a quarter of a century now.  Not getting complacent in the least, they have produced my favorite album in their lengthy discography.  They are:
Poia – Guitars and Fxs
Urlo – Bass, Vocals, Fxs and Synths
Levre – Drums & Fxs
Ciccio – Soundlord

From the band's website:
UFOMAMMUT= UFO: U(nidentified) F(lying) O(bject) – MAMMUT: italian for mammoth
“UFOMAMMUT” should be pronounced in the italian way, sounding like “oofomammoot”…

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