Friday, December 16, 2022


2022 has seen a few great tribute albums.  In January I reviewed Ripple Music's Blue Oyster Cult tribute album, and I am here to share two more great 2022 tribute albums with you.

In October, I ordered a Sergeant Thunderhoof t-shirt from Pale Wizard records, and Dan Flitcroft was kind enough to throw in an album I never would have tried but am so glad I did.  


The reason I never would have tried this album is that I never owned any David Bowie albums.  I know the classics that got radio play over the years, but nothing else.  This album has given me a taste of the rest, and the tunes are performed by artists who clearly appreciate the tunes they are covering.  

First, a tune I already knew, covered by Dan's band Sergeant Thunderhoof:

Here's a tune I hadn't been familiar with, covered by the hugely underappreciated Tony Reed:

Tony also performs the song "Sweet Thing" on this album, and it's possibly the most impressive cover on the album; I hope you'll check for yourself.  
(The entire Ziggy Stardust album is covered here, 50 years after its original release, in order, along with 3 extra tunes attached at the end: Ashes To Ashes, The Jean Genie, and Sweet Thing)

I'm not sure I can give this album a greater complement than to say it's given me an appreciation for David Bowie that I never had before.

In my opinion, all 14 of these covers are worth your attention.

On to the next......

Glory or Death Records' third entry in their "Bow To Your Masters" series:

"Bow To Your Masters" might be the greatest, mightiest series there has ever been for tribute albums, after only 3 volumes.  I will pick two out of an entire 16 worthy cover tunes:

Now depending on your history with cover tunes, I may have to tell you that several of these bands realize their singer can not effectively re-create Rob, so they don't try, and the result is fantastic.  This album reminds you that the greatness of Judas Priest is not centered around Rob Halford. He's a huge component, and probably one of the most dominant front-men ever, but primarily it's the uniqueness and cool factor of their songwriting that makes Judas Priest so special.

Exhibit A (more Tony Reed):

Exhibit B:

There are still exhibits C through P for you to hear; again, all worth your while.

Year-end posts coming up next. 

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