Friday, November 9, 2018


Rakinef Moseewa
Decipher that, and you'll see that I think this album is Freakin Awesome.  Indecipher was released this morning, and I got up early to download it so I could listen on my way to work.   Both of Spacelord's 2017 releases, "New Horrible Menace", and "Spacelord"  are must-owns, and now "Indecipher" does not disappoint.  For me, Spacelord is a band who likes the same music as me, but has a distinctive take on it that just sucks you in, with its creative energy and enthusiastic songwriting.  Certain portions of the album make me think Rich has been listening to a lot of Jimmy Page.

This is not one of those tunes, but track 3 is a tune that I loved right away.  It's called "Cruiserweight":

And now an epic, track 7, "Zero Hour".  Can't get enough of this one.  Far out lyrics too.

Spacelord's Indecipher is one of many things I am grateful for this Thanksgiving season.
Spacelord are:

Bass: Chris Cappiello
Drums: Kevin Flynn 
Vocals: Ed Grabianowski 
Guitar: Richard Root

You can check out my January interview with Chris, Ed and Rich here if you missed it.
That's all for now

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