2015 Keeps on Giving
There has been so much great new Stoner Rock this year, and there seems to be no end in sight. Check out these two gems:
The Machine: Offblast!
Like you some guitar? Then any Machine album is essential listening. This new album will be getting a full review ASAP. Will likely appeal to fans of Kyuss, Sungrazer, Glowsun and possibly Karma To Burn. Here is "Coda Sun", from the new album Offblast!
My Sleeping Karma: Moksha
German band with an interest in Hindu culture. My Sleeping Karma manages to be simultaneously soothing and heavy, calm and aggressive. A truly distinctive sound; great music to play in the background while you're working, and great music to give your full attention to as well. Definitely should appeal to fans of 35007 and Monkey 3, maybe some Tool fans as well. Here is "Prithvi" from the new album Moksha - definitely takes some time to unfold.
My Sleeping Karma is:
Matte: Bass
Seppi: Guitar
Steffen: Drums
Norman: Soundboard
Till Next weekend - ULTRA out!
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