Of Things Seen & Unseen
by Serpent Venom
professor fork tongue says
- Great big fuzzy, fantastic riff at the start. Typical vocals for this type of music but stronger than most. There's nothing here moving Tradition Doom Metal in a new direction but they pay homage to the gods of the genre pretty damn well. I'm ok with this. Inventive doesn't mean good by default like lots of music reviewers seem to think.
grownman says
- My goodness can you hear that fuzz? Nice groovey build with soaring vocals that remind me of a cross between early Electric Wizard and the sole Seventh Void album. There is definitely a sabbath influence on this towards the midpoint of the song. That quick little bit of fingering is all Iommi. Nice finish to the song with that freakout distortion.
Track 2 - Sorrow's Bastard
Track 2 - Sorrow's Bastard
professor fork tongue says
- I can't help but snap my neck to the main riff once it gets going. Groovy as fuck. I love the tone these guys get. Somewhere between The Gates of Slumber (RIP) and Electric Wizard.
grownman says
- Very sabbathy intro with once again that very familiar Iommi fingering. Slower and groovier rhytm that sways. The track stays the course and doesn't really break into any type of experimentation. Tend to lose attention when I'm listening to doom that doesn't switch it up at points.
Track 3 - Death Throes At Dawn
professor fork tongue says
- This one starts at almost Funeral Doom levels of dirge. I can't help but picture the Ray Harryhausen's skelton warriors from Jason and The Argonauts marching in unison into battle. There's a really sinister sounding riff kicks in after the tempo kicks up a notch. I use the term "kicks up a notch" lightly.
grownman says
- Good title for this track. Feel like I'm watching a black plague funeral march passing me. Everything hits so hard it reverberates. I enjoy when the vocals fluctuate and continue to soar during the chorus. It's a good tune, not breaking too much ground as far as doom goes but it's a good listen.
Track 4 - The Lords of Life
- This one starts at almost Funeral Doom levels of dirge. I can't help but picture the Ray Harryhausen's skelton warriors from Jason and The Argonauts marching in unison into battle. There's a really sinister sounding riff kicks in after the tempo kicks up a notch. I use the term "kicks up a notch" lightly.
grownman says
- Good title for this track. Feel like I'm watching a black plague funeral march passing me. Everything hits so hard it reverberates. I enjoy when the vocals fluctuate and continue to soar during the chorus. It's a good tune, not breaking too much ground as far as doom goes but it's a good listen.
Track 4 - The Lords of Life
professor fork tongue says
- Love the into with intro with the rolling cymbals and plucked, fuzzy guitar. As of now despite some bad ass riffs and enjoyable vocals (which I raely find in this style) the album is in dire need of some dynamics, some changes in tempo, intensity, etc. Even Sabbath changed it up pretty often. Every song doesn't need to feel like you're getting an anvil dropped on you ala Wile E. Coyote. This is all very good stuff but a bit of variation could make it great. I love the dropout in the middle of the song. Vocals really shine here. Guitar solo here is great also. Best track on the album so far.
grownman says
- It's undeniable that what makes or breaks a band especially, a doom band is it's percussionist. This dude has chops and knows how accentuate a slow driving song. Lots of cymbal crashing throughout the track that adds a bit of atmosphere to the overall feel of the song. Another track that stays the course and fulfills all the doom requirements. Good solo that breaks up the song and almost makes me wish it happened again somewhere earlier in the tune.
Track 5 - I Awake
professor fork tongue says
- Beautiful little acoustic break...
grownman says
- an acoustic spacer...a break in the battle...makes me want to wish people quiet pleasantries as I place down my mace and axe.
Track 6 - Let Them Starve
professor fork tongue says
- And straight into an absolute shovel to the face of a riff that completely knocks your dick in the dirt. That's a good bit of psychology there. Bring it way down and then bring it way back up and smack you in the face. Same tempo as the rest of the album. I'd pay good money for these guys to break out into a "Sabbra Cadabra" type track, or hell even "Changes". Well they upped them tempo right after I typed this but no shift in dynamics really.
grownman says
- Compared to everything else, this track has the most energy going into it. All fired up and hitting all the right doom notes. Does anything really stand out as the band's signature? Not sure, but once again another nice listen.
Track 7 - Pilgrims of The Sun
professor fork tongue says
- Nothing worth note here. Sounds like everything else on the album. Sometimes there actually can be too much of a good thing.
grownman says
- This track from the start puts more focus on the vocals. Since I'm not a real stickler for lyrics I tend to focus more on the entirety of what's going on with the band. Very competent musicians. All the parts work well together but it comes off as predictable. I couldn't get through the whole track.
Track 8 - Burning Free
professor fork tongue says
- See above.
grownman says
- My attention is fading. More of the same business. I'm letting it play out but I don't forsee this album being included in any of my future playlists.
Check out the album for yourself below:
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