Grownman's Fast Finds returns this week with three uniquely different bands with one thing in common...they all kick serious ass. Rotate your dashboard Jesus and sit tight as we take this mother lover into overdrive.
Woods of Desolation - As The Stars
become a huge fan of Black Metal bands these days that excel at soaring
melodies. As the genre progresses and pulls itself out of the muck of
church burning stereotypes, many current BM bands are embracing
beautifully haunting soundscapes. This is Woods of Desolation's third
album. It's bright and emotional. The entire album seems to float along
in vapors that permeate your ears and disperse through your dome. The
cover art is beautiful as well. Pick this sucker up.
Shades of Black - Ocean
love Meshuggah. Am I a fan of "Djent" style?...you know the whole high
gain, palm mute sound Meshuggah made popular. I'm really not sure.
Shades of Black speak "Djent" with a Middle Eastern accent. It's ironic
since there are no vocals on this album and the project hails from Fort
Wayne, Indiana. Where am I going with this?...this is a progressive
metal instrumental album that's really pleasing to my ears like the
first time I listened to a late 80's Steve Vai record. This music makes
me feel like I'm gaining a few points on an IQ test while eating foreign
food stateside. Oh yeah, this was all done by one young fella, Matt
Zuleger...how's that for overachieving?
Wild Throne - Blood Maker
hath you bringeth to me-ith? This is really interesting stuff. I'm not
sure if being so hooked immediately after one listen is a good thing but
I'm not complaining. I have a feeling this is gonna be a band you hear
about on the mainstream really soon. It only takes Wild Throne three
tracks to do what many bands on the mainstream probably take a decade to
accomplish(and quickly undo on a sophomore effort). Not quite metal,
not quite rock n' rolla'...feels good anyway. Wild Throne is the pusha
man. First three tracks are $3...I promise I can quit when I want
to....(presses repeat)
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