Saturday, February 29, 2020

Image result for blast from the past
Dee Snider Vs The PMRC

I remember this.  I was at the age where you're still a kid but have convinced yourself that you're an adult, and took this battle very seriously.  I loved my heavy metal and hard rock, and was 100% on board the 'don't censor my music' side of the issue.  (the issue was that the PMRC wanted to force record labels to put a parental advisory label on albums if the lyrics were explicit)
Check this out:
Upon growing up and being decades removed from the event, I have these thoughts to share:
  • Dee Snider killed.  If Al Gore were a bad person, something would have happened to Dee after destroying Al's wife Tipper for being over-zealous. He went after her with a vengeance
  • Al Gore was really good in this too.
  • It really wasn't a big deal to expect the music industry to adopt ratings similar to the movie industry.   Bands would still write and sing whatever they want to.
PS: Here's a link to the comic book and collectible store named Blast From The Past.  I stole their banner since it's so cool.  The least I can do is link to their store.

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