Saturday, May 12, 2018

TONGUE PARTY: Looking For A Painful Death\
Flawless Victory
Tongue Party is heavy metal with a punk rock vibe, and "Looking For A Painful Death" has it all; musicianship, great songwriting, originality and energy.  "Shit Dead" is the track the band wants you to hear first:

Sometimes when a band starts their bandcamp playlist with  track 7, it's because tracks 1 through 6 were not as good.  Not the case here.  I am picking a couple of tunes that give you a taste of the diversity on this album, but you need to listen to the whole album, because every track is genius.  This one's called "This Exists":

And now, establishing a successful fusion of heavy metal and psychedelic rock,
here is the closing track, entitled "Make a Friend Earn A Debt".  Some really tasty guitar going down here if you pay attention:
Tongue Party are from Minneapolis, and have been making music together since the fall of 2014.  
Self described as "More of a cult than a band", they are:
adam hile
brandon hile 
preston laack
dan garrison
(I have no idea which three are in this picture):

I learned about this album on Super Dank Metal Jams blog, and am grateful for the find.  You can find "Looking for a Painful Death" here, and the band's earlier releases here.  In the roughly 24 hours since I downloaded this album, I have easily listened to the entire album six times.  Hope I've been able to get these guys a few downloads, because when a lot of people listen to a band, the band keeps making albums.

Stay Heavy!

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