Geoff Tate - The Epic Fail of his Post Queensryche Era

Well, just when we thought he couldn't top his hilarious wig wearing impression of the Kinks from a few months back. Here comes "Rock and Vaudeville". Someone must have forgotten to tell Mr. Tate that Rock and Vaudeville have as much in common as Vaudeville and marching bands because he's combined all of those elements to create a heaping pile of musical shite(english affectation included). This video shows Tate "performing" along with marching bands, scantily clad ladies and pontificating about the "history" of rock behind a podium. If this flea market style presentation is any clue on what Tate will be doing during his sabbatical after the last of his final "Voice of Queensryche" performances, I have no concern about finding even more material for Heavy Metal Moment's of Zen in the near future. - grownman
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