Monday, January 13, 2014

Opinions Are Like Assholes #6 (Funerary Bell, Nasty Savage, Timeghoul, Wizard Eye)

Grownman and are back from a long break and we're itching to give you our asshole opinions, so why say anymore?

FUNERARY BELL Circle Within Circle



There is something definitely familiar about this. I get a real emotional connection to the way the song develops. The tone of the guitar really leads you in. The vocals are pretty evil sounding, maybe a little too hoarse for the music riding underneath it. I almost wanna just listen to the music without the vocals. I'd have to give this band a few more listens to know if the vocals make or break it for me. (Skipped to the track Doctrina The Insulter, the vocals break it for me)


I loved these guys from the minute I heard them. They sound very much like Mortuary Drape and in my eyes they are just about the epitome of that style of Black Metal. Rather than beat you over the head these guys create a real atmosphere. This is an album there in my top 5 a couple years ago and it's never really got any traction. I suggest you pick it up, you may be surprised.

NASTY SAVAGE Dungeon of Pleasure


Alright this sounds like an intro to the old Monster Jam TV show. Another band with a unique sounding vocalist. I'm waiting for him to break into a high pitched squeal and it's not happening. The sound is a bit dated which I don't entirely mind for the nostalgia factor. The lyrics are horrid. I don't care for the tough guy background vocals mixing with the foppish dandy delivery. I'll pass.


Grownman, how dare you!? You don't like Nasty Ronnie? Tisk tisk. The vocals take some getting used to for sure but I love the cheese. Subsequent albums become less cheesy and less fun. Here's a fun fact I know Grownman will like. Luna Vachon did back up vocals for this band...

"Nasty Ronnie is the lead singer for Thrash band Nasty Savage. Luna & The Lock were a tag team known as The Daughters of Darkness. The Daughters were part of Kevin Sullivan’s evil faction Army of Darkness. When Nasty Savage was looking for women for a photo shoot, they went a less conventional route and hired The Daughters. Due to their vicious sounding voices and wild appearance, the duo was offered to “sing” background vocals on Nasty Savage’s song XXX."

TIMEGHOUL Boiling In The Hourglass


Now for something completely fucking different. Spaced out man! Sounds like the possessed souls of the dead Beach Boy members towards the beginning and then completely switches to some really evil whacked out shit. Fork Tongue ain't throwing me softballs this week. lol


How ballsy is it to make a demo that's this spaced out? Ballsy enough to where they never got picked up I suppose but I fucking love them. Timeghoul created two of my favorite demos ever. Thank god for  places like "THE CRYPT" who unearth these obscure demos and LP's and reissue them in deluxe vinyl packages.



I love this. After hearing the last three bands this is like much needed desert at the end of a shit sandwich buffet. Thank you Fork Tongue for the reprieve. This has a bit of Corrosion of Conformity feel to it. My pallet is cleansed!


This is one of the first bands I came across a few years ago when I first started using Bandcamp. Great riffs, great driving music. Feel the fuzz!

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