Monday, March 17, 2025

Mutant takes over NYC!


Chris Torre(left) Christopher Albertsen(right)

Mutant are comprised of Christopher Albertsen, Chris Torre and Anthony Gonzalez. They hail from NYC and are quickly mutating the heavy metal scene in 2025. Supporting bands the likes of Nunslaughter and Pungent Stench is no easy feat but these dudes are equipped with "heavy barrels" of metal. A combination of Thrash and Death that's as tasty as a Dave's Hot Chicken Sandwich. I've known Christopher and Chris for several years and they've always impressed me with their musicianship. I'm always happy to support the band with promoting or even designing a few tees like when they first formed the band. Support these dudes and check out their latest release "Heavy Barrel" on their bandcamp. They also are on social media platforms and spotify. Look for them live in the NYC area keeping the scene evil!

Mutant and Pungent Stench

Friday, March 14, 2025

And Now, For Something Completely Different...


Thankfully, during a particularly busy time for me, Grownman has returned to throw down the sick metal and keep this blog from stagnating.  I've got a little time tonight though, and am here to represent the trippier, more psychedelic side of heavy music and send some sweet stoner rock your way.


This album will be released exactly 7 weeks from today, on May 2.  There is one pre-released track, and it is special.  I am a huge fan of all pre-"Permanent Vacation" Aerosmith, and this cover tune makes me happy.  

Froglord, are from Bristol, United Kingdom and are:

Vocals: Benjamin 'Froglord' Oak
Guitar: Jordan 'Caudata' Cross
Bass: Luke 'Bufo' Clemenger
Drums: Chris 'Anura' Seldon

You can grab this tune here.


Released today, Nightstalker's new album, and a video for the title track:

Nightstalker are Greek stoner rock royalty, putting out great rock music since the early 90's.

They are:

Argy: Vocals
Andreas Lagios: Bass
Tolis Motsios: Guitar
Dinos Roulos: Drums

You can pick up "Return From The Point Of No Return" from Heavy Psych Sounds Records here.


Released exactly a week ago, this album is really growing on me.  Here's the opening track, which is an early favorite.

Oklahoma's Rainbows Are Free are:

Brandon Kistler: Vocals 
Richie Tarver: Lead Guitar 
Jason Smith: Bass 
Joey Powell: Rhythm Guitar 
Bobby Onspaugh: Drums
Josh Elam: Synth

You can get "Silver And Gold" from Ripple Music here.

I've got more, but am out of time.  Will post ASAA
(as soon as able)

Rock on

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Southern Gothic, The Brilliance of Dax Riggs 7 Songs for Spiders


7 Songs for Spiders

Dax Riggs

After having Dax Riggs latest album, 7 Songs For Spiders, on constant rotation for the past few weeks, I'm ready to write about it in a more literate way. I've really lived with this album night and day. It's a great "in the car driving alone" album. It's also a great "sit down in a dark room with noise cancelling ear buds" album.

Dax Riggs has been called southern gothic. His delivery is slow roasted. His lyrics are haunting and for me very quotable. His music has it's own mythology. Religious themes are dispersed in a cool and dark way. See "DECEIVER" the opening track on the album. 

"She said maybe I'm a demon, but you just don't see me And I said maybe you know Jesus, but I just can't believe it...No, no, I just can't believe it Ain't no great deceiver, ain't no bride of Jesus either".
What's really unique about Dax writing is it's never conventional. Nothing is basic. You may hear a track several times before you catch the real meaning beyond the words. 

The instrumentation on this album has come full circle from his early solo albums to now. The beautiful bluesy fuzz on each track is lush and sexy. It stops you in your tracks and makes you want to listen. The music sets the table for the lyrics that take you along on each journey. 

This album is one I want my friends and loved ones to love as much as I do. It's a real gift. Considering the daily struggle to try to avoid getting into comment thread skirmashes about the world's problems on social media. It's great to find an album I can escape to. It's visceral and since it's only seven tracks, I find myself hitting repeat over and over. 

I came by Dax Riggs music by accident. While visiting a friend at an old workplace. I met a new employee who was playing Deadboy and The Elephantmen's "If this is hell then I'm lucky". I immediately was transfixed by the whole vibe and Rigg's vocals. I needed to hear and know more. Thankfully, there was more and I've consumed as much as I can get my hands on.

I implore whoever happens to read this to pick up this album. Let me be the conduit to an incredible album that is bluesy, psychedelic and simmering in your ears. Check out the bandcamp of the album I've embedded in this. Let's escape this place together.

(Dax Riggs portrait illustration header of this blog designed by me)

Friday, February 21, 2025



This is an unrelenting album hard to put into words because it's just a behemoth of sound ripping your head off. We were fortunate to highlight the band in the past and this is trump's those previous efforts by a mile. This is true blue, vomitous extreme "satanic-ish" black metal at it's best. Phil Anselmo is an ENIGMA. Obviously the past few years of extensive touring with a reformed Pantera have done nothing but strengthen his vocal chords. This is not a radio friendly, sing along album, so there is no confusion there for the Pantera/Down/Superjoint hard core fans. This isn't for the faint of heart. This isn't commercial. Despite all that, this is tasty, listenable and accessible for those of us who can withstand the cellar dwelling and dank darkness that Black Metal can reveal. Phil jumps into this genre with two hoofs strongly planted in the mirk and mire. The band grabs you by the throat and does not let go. Break neck speed and determination throughout. If you're looking for a space to take a breath enjoy the brief "Ornaments" track to change your skivvies because from there on out...sheesh.. We wont need eyes where we're going....
I don't wanna say it.... but this could be the best black album production I've heard in agessssss.
I can't say enough about this album because it is that fucking good. And why the hell shouldn't it be. Phil loves the genre, he's studied the masters and despite the success of his primary projects there is clearly as much love for this one. 

Philip H. Anselmo (Pantera, DOWN), John Jarvis (Agoraphobic Nosebleed), Derek Engemann (Philip H. Anselmo and The Illegals), Mark Kloeppel (Misery Index) and Adam Jarvis (Pig Destroyer, Lock Up)

Released today!!! Killswitch Engage - This Consequence REVIEW!


Killswitch Engage - This Consequence


1. Abandon Us - What a great start to this album which finds the band feeling like it has something to prove still after all these years. A stompyard, in your face track that hits on all the band's strengths. Soaring choruses with meaningful lyrics coupled with forceful, gut punching vocals. Adam D's runs and the percussion really stand out as well.

2. Discordant Nation - The pacing of this track snaps you into a variety of musical spaces. It branches off into death and hardcore vocals seamlessly. This is an invigorated band pushing itself to a whole other level!

3. Aftermath - Love the playing on this. Leach once again proves has some of the craziest range in Metal. This is definitely the track I'm going to have to relisten to a bunch.

4. Forever Aligned - A banger of a tune. Signature KSE, chug heavy, Adam D and Jesse trading off on vocals throughout the chorus. I've heard this track several times and it gets better on every listen. Beautiful production throughout this track. I really enjoyed the contrast between the clean chorus and throat crushing vocals throughout.

5. I Believe - When KSE released this early, I immediately gravitated to it. It's a track that's easily accessible and listenable. It also feels extremely relevant. We all could use a hopeful and uplifting song right about now.

Justin Foley: Drums, Adam Dutkiewicz: Guitar, Jesse Leach: Vocals, Mike D'Antonio: Bass, Joel Stroetzel: Guitar

6. Where It Dies - Damn straight out of the gate, this goes hard. Great riffs all around. Leach's vocals haven't been this extreme in years. The vibes of this track harken back to early KSE. Another beautiful chorus that contrasts between the chug and throat shred. Adam D. pulls out all stops on the shred. This feels like a great song to sing along to in concert!

7. Collusion - Here me out, this track feels like a militaristic pummeling on the battlefield. Leach delivering vocals like marching orders. Top notch musicianship by all players. Love the drop into a "Slayer-ific" death metal breakdown toward the midpoint. This highlights the importance of the relationship between Adam D and Leach's trade off on vocals.

8. The Fall of Us - Another heavy as fuck track. This gave me goosebumps. It fills all the senses. The pace keeps you on the edge of your seat. Woah, Just Woah.

9. Broken Glass - The intro is like no other KSE track ever put to tape. This album may just be sonically their heaviest, low end release of all time. I had to check myself before I wrecked myself listening to this. Mind blown! 

10. Requiem - KSE does not let up on this closer. This album really makes a statement. "This is not the end, This is not a Requiem".. This album delivers!

CONGRATULATIONS to the Whole Band! KSE are firing on all cylinders and some. Mike D., Joel, Justin, Adam and Jesse are as complete a unit as any in Metal today. This album is a tour de force and belongs in the same conversation as their most revered albums for sure. No Filler, ALL KILLER! The album breaks new ground, cements the band as one that can step on the gas and get as heavy as it's ever been. For anyone that doubted the band and expected them to paint by numbers on this one will be proved sorely mistaken. This is an album that makes new fans and more than satiates the appetites of old heads like me.

The album is now available everywhere!!

KILLSWITCH ENGAGE | This Consequence

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Singaporean Grindcore Legends Wormrot SCUMS NORTH AMERICAN TOUR 2025

 Singaporean Grindcore Legends Wormrot 


WORMROT "SCUMS" North American Tour is rolling on through the states. The band now powered by it's original lineup (guitarist Rasyid, drummer Fitri, and vocalist Arif) is set to hit our fair country April through May 2025. Wormrot are a visceral band that checks off all the boxes for me as far as Grindcore goes (Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Napalm Death, Nasum..etc). I love Grindcore and it hits me in "the feels" just as much as any other heavy genre. Wormrot came across my radar a few years back and after watching some videos of their live sets I fell in love with the band. Fast, heavy, percussion on point and the vocals(ARIF is quickly becoming my favorite of the genre) are absolutely amazing.

In November, they released "LEFT TO ROT", described as a "sci fi pro death" album. It's chock full of cuts off early EP's and demos. The band's catalogue certainly has a bit of everything for fans of both death metal and hardcore. Their fourth full length, Hiss, is a real masterpiece bringing the band full circle and I hope that that is 2025 sparks new music by the band in the near future.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Could Not Have Done This Without You, An Album By Ghost Writer, A Review


Could Not Have Done This Without You
Ghost Writer

So a little background origin story. Ghost Writer aka Phillip J. Mellen and I are old college buddies from the 90's. He's had a hand in so many different projects over the years. His poetry has always been a source of inspiration for me. I first met Phillip in my second semester at a local community college where we were both Art Majors. We shared several classes including a very avante garde sculpture class with a very avante garde (aka pain in the ass) professor. Tasked with creating an installation with few limitations or boundaries, Phillip came up with this amazing piece of art that included a briefcase and a molotov cocktail. The molotov cocktail may have ruffled some feathers.

Phillip J. Mellen aka Ghost Writer and Collaborators

Post college, Phillip and I have reconnected several times. First both being participants in a small local gallery show and then a few years later as a guest on his podcast, Ahtcast. Phillip has never shied away from talking about mental illness in his poetry, art collages and music. Much of his subject matter deals with the beauty and sadness of close relationships. Phillip's work reflects that sensitivity, empathy and intimacy. "Could Not Have Done This Without You" is a collaboration of Phillip's writings and the many friendships he's developed in his local scene. 

The graphics on the album's packaging were created by Phillip and many of the lyrics/poetry are straight from Phillip's own writings. Phillip has enlisted many of his friends from the local Southeastern Massachusetts music scene to interpret his work in fantastic ways. This is not a metal album. This is art.
Album Cover by PJM

1. From The Top - Vocals By Kevin Grant (Wire Lines, Gaskill, The Hidden), Yelling/Music by Dug McCormack, Lyrics By Phillip J. Mellen
Grant's delivery reminds me of a warning message sent over radio air waves during the intro to a dystopian movie. I mentioned to Phillip that this album's vibe reminds me in a way of Bowie's "Outside" Album which is my favorite in his catalogue. This track is a perfect example of setting the table for what's to come.

2. Contact - Music by Ethan Weiss with an assist by Mark Arruda, Lyrics by Phillip J. Mellen
This is a track that's got a Meat Beat Manifesto vibe. Dream like with a great beat throughout. Phillip's echoey delivery sends your brain through space. 

3. Sundress - Vocals by Dena Haden, Samples and Lyrics by Phillip J Mellen
This is a departure into a very quaint and beautiful short poem. The samples of a spring day really compliment the lyrics.

4. Palpitations - Music and vocals by Mark Arruda, Lyrics by Phillip J. Mellen
Palpitations is a radio ready pop song that is both catchy and replayable. 

5. Pace Yourself - Music by Kat Knutsen, Vocals and lyrics by Phillip J. Mellen
Fine piece of piano work over an intimate glimpse into Phillip's thoughts recorded over a phone message. It really invites the listener into a personal space.

6. Agreed On A Weed - Music by Chris Evil, Vocals and lyrics by Phillip J. Mellen
80's Synth pop by the enigmatic Chris Evil over a daydreamy poem about the connection between a weed and a relationship.

7. Wait For Me - Music by Kevin Fernandes and Ryan Coffey, Vocals by Sarah Jane Mulvey and Phillip J. Mellen
About the Album
Very beautiful and dreamlike instrumentals over Phillip and Sarah's dreamlike delivery of poetry. The back and forth is both intimate and relateable.

8. It Was A Ghost - Music by Nick LeBlanc, Vocals and Lyrics by Phillip J. Mellen
This is yet another great collaboration between the direct delivery of vocals/poetry and bright guitar riffs. A soundscape that is very expansive.

9. Cigarette Break - Vocals and lyrics by Phillip J. Mellen
A brief look into a poignant memory of a relationship. 

10. Voicemail from Kevin - Vocals by Kevin Fernandes
A great reminder to check in with your friends. I miss my old phone recording message machine.

11. He Was a Good Man - Music and vocals by Keith Borges, Lyrics by Phillip J. Mellen
A beautiful acoustic piece. The lyrics are a like the narration in one's mind on a sunny mid afternoon.

12. Ghost Pilot - Vocals by Shelley Cardoos, Kristin Dupre, Mark Arruda, and Phillip J. Mellen, Music by Mark Arruda, Lyrics by Phillip J. Mellen
I really enjoy the vibe of this tune. A great closer full of modern folk rock meets shoe gaze playing and a beautiful chorus of vocals. The musicianship is top notch and uplifting. Great way to close this chapter.

I'm a biased listener. I've known Phillip for a good portion of my life. Hearing his voice on this album is a like a time machine taking me back to some of my favorite periods in life. This album is a beautiful piece of work that will translate to many people these days. While this blog is about "all things heavy", sometimes we need a moment to step outside of this space. The beauty of sunlight through a bedroom window, a look back at the "perfect" moments of a past relationship that transcends time and just engaging in human moments like reviewing an old voice mail from a friend are sometimes the things we need to break up a heavy day. So while you're ripping through your catalogue of old slayer classics and you find yourself in need of a change of pace for a moment, give this piece of art a listen. It's on bandcamp. You have no excuse. Thanks Phillip for creating this. 

If you enjoyed this album and would like to know more, click the links below.
Phillip J. Mellen on Facebook